The Inclusion Revolution Is Now Framework has designed the different Types of Organizational Growth and Development Spectrum to assists you map a stronger DEIB platforms for your organization. Below there is an explanation of each type of organization.
Struggling Organization (Survival Driven)
The leadership does not support Diversity and Inclusion as essential components of the organization.
Civic diversity is practiced.
Status Quo Organization (Maintenance Driven)
Understands D and I are important to the organization but doesn’t know how to develop and implement a tangible D and I plan.
Lack of leadership buy in.
An employee within the organization is chosen to lead this effort. This person in most instances doesn’t have the credentials to do this job, and struggles to incorporate any D and I changes.
Solid Organization (Mission Driven)
It recognizes the importance of a diverse workforce but struggles with the retention of diverse employees.
At this level the organization still believes that diversity and inclusion are only related to groups or gender.
Progressive Organization (Innovation Driven)
The Inclusion Revolution Is Now Framework is practiced as a business model.
Leadership is unified on D and I implementation and practices.
Measurable accountability outcomes are designed and put in place.
Upper management is now expected to coach and mentor several diverse employees at a time. Support from upper management, the board of directors, and the trustees is visible and expected.
Behaviors and Connectors
The Inclusion Revolution Is Now Framework (TIRIN) is so successful because incorporates inclusion competencies that delineates the organizational D and I behaviors an employee must exhibit to retain employment.
The connectors are TIRIN development D and I activities an organization must go through to move from one level to the next.
To get a in depth understanding of the spectrum and to receive a free copy of each organizational growth and development stages, please send your request to info@inclusionandbeyond.com or click on this link contact form here