Creating Organizational Transformation

The Inclusion Revolution Is Now Framework (TIRIN).

My young and lovely niece has been receiving radiation treatments at a cancer medical center in Orlando, Florida. The caring and professionalism of the staff are very impressive at this center. I just learned about this organization, but it has one of the best inclusive structures I have ever witnessed in my career. It is remarkable how each member of the staff helps my niece understand how valuable she is by treating her as a member of the team. They make sure she has a voice when it comes to her treatment and healing journey. They make her feel welcome and appreciated, and if she arrives early to her treatment they don’t make her wait. In my opinion, the most important of all is they let her know that she matters, especially when she is in pain. What a great combination of behaviors displayed by the staff, and how these behaviors are impacting how my niece is dealing with her cancer, and her healing process.

How do you transform your organization? These are some D and I tips to create organizational transformations.
A D and I Plan must have a direct correlation with the strategic plan and the mission of the organization.

All D and I activities created for employees must have a direct impact on the services or products of the organization. For instance in a health setting dealing with cancer patients you may want to provide sessions regarding how different cultures deal with cancer, decease and treatments.
The D and I organizational competencies must dictate the specific behaviors your employees must display to create an environment of inclusion. These competencies must also be known by volunteers, vendors, and anyone representing the organization.
It is wonderful to witness inclusion as a systemic process of change when an organization understands the importance and the benefits it brings to those it serves. Our four steps business model provides the necessary elements to create a culture of inclusion at the organizational level. Our four steps business model provides the necessary steps to create organizational transformations.