My Inclusion Revolution Is Now™ framework has created four steps to achieve inclusion in the workplace.
Step One: Organizational gap analysis and assessment.
During this step different elements of the organization are looked at such as leadership support, inclusion policies, underrepresented populations, the function of the inclusion council, D and I funding, retention, recruitment, absenteeism, employee satisfaction and all the other D and I areas that impact the organization.
Step Two: Inclusion Plan Preparation, Development and Creation
All the data from step one is used to initiate the preparation of the organization’s inclusion plan. The gap analysis and assessment when done well show the areas that must be addressed to create a successful plan.
Step three: Implementation and Organizational Transformation
One of the strategies within this step is communication. Different vehicles are used to inform the whole organization of the inclusion plan, organizational competencies and the vision for the future. Professional development curriculum are designed to emphasize on the organizational needs, expectations and responsibilities. There is a great deal of time spent on the impact and power of the “gatekeepers” at this stage.
Step four: Ongoing development and Re-evaluation
During this step measuring inclusion successes and challenges are extremely important. Collecting this data will help the organization continue its growth and development on inclusion practices and implementation.
These is a short summary of the steps to achieve inclusion at the organizational level in 2020. Each of the steps are composed of different strategies that must be incorporated before moving to the next step.
for more information about this process contact us at 812-457-8423 or